Category: Private School

Experience India

Grade 2 students spending the day learning about India and its fascinating culture.  They learned how to play cricket, traditional Indian dance moves, and tried delicious Indian cuisine.  Thank you to our wonderful families for volunteering for this wonderful...

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HeyDay 2019

Another year, another fun filled HeyDay! This year family and friends played games, won prizes and had many different treats as they enjoyed the "Aloha" theme. Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who worked together on this very special RHCDS tradition! [gallery...

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RHCDS Featured in South Bay Magazine!

Check out our feature in South Bay Magazine! Head of Lower School, Amy Tillson, discuses what makes Country Day an exceptional school, our core philosophy that we strive to teach our students and what the kids love most about being a part of the Country Day family.

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Middle School Students Perform Winter Musical

Every year grade 7 & 8 students are given the option of participating in the Winter Musical. The production this year was Willy Wonka, Jr.! Staff and students began working on this project in September debuting the show in March. So much time and dedication from staff...

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