Author: Website Admin

Walk Through California

Earlier this month, the 4th graders participated in the Walk Through California program. This program incorporates different aspects of early California history in an engaging way, utilizing the students’ prior knowledge and building on that to introduce...

Astrocamp Memories

Recently the fifth graders returned from their outdoor education trip to ASTROCAMP.  They enjoyed bonding with their classmates and learning about the universe we live in under a night sky full of stars. They took classes that included lights and lasers, building and...

Kinders at the Fire Station

Kindergarteners LOVED visiting the fire station! The fire fighters showed us around the station, told us about their work, and let us look at important firefighting equipment.  We learned about fire safety and what to do if we were ever in a fire situation. One of our...

Google Expeditions Visits RHCDS!

Today Google visited RHCDS and brought three sets of their Expeditions program.  This program allows teachers to take students on a fully immersive, 360 degree tour of notable places.  It integrates 30 mobile devices within individual cardboard sleeves, all connected...

First Grade Writer’s Workshop

Last week, the First Grade classes gathered together to celebrate the end of a Writer’s Workshop unit.  The unit taught students how to begin writing personal narratives, how to revise and edit their own work, as well as how to work with a partner to improve...