Author: Website Admin

Practicing Proper Typing Habits

Students of all ages are busy typing in the Computer Lab. We practice using proper typing techniques and good typing habits. Memorize those keyboards! The more you can look at the screen and not at the keyboard, the better! But we don’t spend all day typing… There are...

Grade 2 Visits the Getty

Mrs. Primero, Mrs. Hardy, and Mr. Z’s Grade 2 classes went on an exciting field trip to the J. Paul Getty Museum recently. Upon arrival, students formed into smaller groups and were taken on a docent-lead tour to view some of the wonderful paintings and...

Character Grams in Mandarin

Do you think Chinese characters are difficult? Our 5th graders don’t think so! Students in Grade 5 just finished their character grams, which help them easily identify the words by the pictorial shapes. For example, “山” means “mountain,” “木“...

Hour of Code

The Hour of Code is here! Every year, RHCDS students partake in The Hour of Code programming activities in the computer lab. This year, participants will be programming their way through a Star Wars world and solving challenging scenarios. We won’t stop there! We will...

La Familia

¿Qué pasa en la clase de español? (“What’s happening in Spanish class?) Our sixth grade students have embarked on a new journey and are learning the Spanish names for various family members or relatives, such as abuelo (grandfather) and abuela (grandmother). We...