Author: Website Admin

Grade 6 at the Getty Villa

During the last week before Spring Break the sixth graders took a field trip to the Getty Villa Museum. They had just finished their studies about ancient Greece (now they are studying ancient Rome). The students were led by museum docents to view pieces of art...

First Grade Experiences Brazilian Culture on Field Trip

After spending the last few months learning about Brazil and the Amazon Rain Forest, the first grade was lucky enough to experience Brazilian culture first-hand.  We had lunch at Pampas Grill, where we sampled traditional Brazilian food.  Then we traveled to the...

Cooking Elective Creates Rainbow Bagels

Students in the Middle School Cooking Elective cooked rainbow colored bagels with funfetti cream cheese. It was a fun experience for students to mix the dough and food coloring. Each student had an exciting opportunity to pick a color and blend it with another, if...

Bird Reports in Third Grade

Third Graders recently finished writing their first research report on birds. As part of our Information Writing Unit, each student chose a bird to research. During their research, students learned about the bird’s physical characteristics, habitat, caring for...

Pi Day

On Pi (π) Day, also known as March 14, Middle School math classes participated in schoolwide Pi-oriented activities. The sixth grade and seventh grade classes practiced teamwork, as they, using twine and yardsticks, measured the circumference and diameter of the...