Author: Website Admin

Welcome to Our New Website

Check back soon for more blog posts Welcome to our new website! Everything has been completely revamped and redesigned to serve your needs better. We hope you’ll enjoy exploring this new, user-friendly site. We’ve made an effort to provide comprehensive information...

School Operations

Dear RHCDS Community, Thank you for your support and assistance as we navigate through the challenges of the COVID-19 outbreak.  The school location is currently closed to visitors until June 5, 2020 and has initiated distance based learning. Summer Programs Update:...

RHCDS Open House!

Please join us for our annual Open House on Sunday, January 26, 2020 from 1:00-3:00pm! Our middle school students will give you a tour of our campus and programs as our ambassadors. We hope to see you here at Country Day!
Walk Through California

Walk Through California

Grade 4 students participating in Walk Through California, an interactive retelling of California...
Science Day at RHCDS

Science Day at RHCDS

Science Day is a RHCDS favorite! Students enjoy different science projects taught by lower school teachers for a fun filled day. Science Day has become an annual event that our Country Day families look forward to. Our parent volunteers help to make this day extra...