Director’s Welcome

Welcome from the Director

Welcome to Rolling Hills Country Day School from our Executive Director, Karen Shipherd.

As the RHCDS Director, I want to thank you for visiting our home on the Internet. Whether you are a Country Day School student, alumnus, parent, or prospective parent, I hope you find our site a warm and informative extension of our campus.

Here at Country Day School, development of the whole person is central to our philosophy. Our students are confident, have high self-esteem, a strong work ethic, and are self-motivated. At the same time, they develop lifelong friendships with their classmates, enjoy athletics and extracurricular activities, and revel in simply being children.

Together we work to support our students’ social, emotional, and physical growth. Our successes are many and unique. We believe those successes have emerged from our belief in the future and all its possibilities while at the same time respecting and honoring the wisdom of the past.


Please take a moment to learn more about our outstanding curriculum and extracurricular programs, from performing arts to outdoor education. Find out about parent involvement opportunities. Learn about the exciting new changes happening at our school, and join us in realizing the potential of each and every Country Day School student in “building for a lifetime of success.”

Thank you for stopping by. I look forward to seeing you on campus.

Karen Shipherd
Executive Director